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Reduces greenhouse gases and emissions

Reduces parasitic drag on Commercial Aircraft providing

a reduction in fuel burn and emissions by 7-16%

Increases payload or distance flown due to less fuel

required for propulsion on Commercial Aircraft

Reduces Rotorcraft fuel burn and emissions by 5-10%

Generates addition power on Wind Turbines in low wind

situations providing an 8-20% extra electricity generation

Generates addition propulsion on ships using rigid sails in

low wind situations reducing fuel burn and emissions by 8-20%

VForce® Patented Morphing Technology

VForce® technology is a major evolutionary step in fixed wing aircraft development. High lift devices (flaps/slats) have not significantly changed since the invention of the Fowler Flap by H D Fowler in 1924. The technology in fixed wing aircraft provides for less components, less complex and lighter flap support deployment mechanism. Contained wholly within the height profile of the wing the mechanism does not require under wing fairings.

This results in lower cost of manufacture, easier installation and maintenance. As the mechanisms do not require underwing fairings, quantities per wing will match strength requirements and some will not need powered actuation. The existing actuator technology can be used or the move to more electric such as linear and harmonic to replace hydraulic and pneumatic the VForce® is ideally suited.

There is no known technology that accomplishes what VForce® technology provides!

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VForce®  Aircraft Wing Morphing

VForce®  Aircraft Wing Morphing

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VForce® Parallel Motion Vehicle Door Mechanism

VForce® Autonomous Platform

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VForce® Autonomous Platform Prototype


The VForce® technology also allows for the morphing of rotorcraft blades with greater efficiency. The sealed leading and trailing edge joints also provide greater efficiency.

Rotorcraft (helicopter) blades utilizing this morphing technology will improve the lift force, cruise speed, and reduce noise with lower fuel consumption. This will be accomplished with the more efficient blade profiles provided by the VForce® mechanism.

Rotorcraft’s Effective Translational Lift (ETL) increases with forward airspeed therefore in hover, takeoff and landing this technology provides additional lift, the same as high lift devices on fixed wing aircraft.

The Sikorsky Entrepreneurial Challenge Award acknowledges these advantages.

On Rotorcraft the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Project SABRE (Shape Adaptive Blades for Rotorcraft Efficiency) aim is “Reducing energy consumption and environmental impact of aviation. This involves “Reducing helicopter fuel burn and emissions by 5-10%”.

The VForce® technology can provide the morphing/shape adaptive blades to obtain this outcome.

Wind Turbines

On wind turbines VForce® technology provides additional electricity generation during lower wind speeds.

Morphing technology will improve the force applied giving more sustained and greater rotation speeds in low winds. This will be accomplished with the more efficient blade profiles provided by the VForce® mechanism.

The technology is suitable for tapered blades and is of light weight construction.

The VForce® technology can provide the morphing/shape adaptive blades providing an 8-20% extra electricity generation (Lindenberg et al. 2008).



On Marinecraft the VForce® mechanism allows additional force in low winds situations.

The University of Tokyo has predicted that fuel costs could be reduced by retrofitting opening rigid wing sails to a “motor-sail”, without altering the primary propulsion system of a modern tanker or bulker, ship operators can expect 20-40% fuel savings. (University of Tokyo/International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 2015 Publication, Renewable Energy Options for Shipping).

The VForce® technology can provide the morphing to attain this outcome.


The VForce® Competitive Advantage

The technology provides a reduction in fuel burn and emissions by 7-16%, where that of Aviation Partners Boeing’s jet fuel saving with their Winglets is 7%. On the 3rd March 2019 the fuel saving was 9.4 Billion US Gallons since the introduction of the Winglets as per their website (

This equates to an estimated $1.4 million US dollars saving per day in fuel plus reduction in emissions. With the VForce® technology this fuel saving will exceed this.

Elegant clean lines of the wings without flap fairings result in a more streamlined attractive aircraft. A reduction in risk failure is attained due to simplified mechanism with less moving parts and components.

The working prototype meets DOD / NASA / FAA Technology Readiness Level Six (TRL 6). The prototype uses the Compound Motion Structures as identified in the patent and is typical for Fixed Wing Aircraft, Rotorcraft, Marinecraft and Windpower.

The patents above give IP protection, industry recognition, business credibility and longevity.

The Game Changing Impact

The European Union’s Clean Sky Joint Undertaking has environmental performance targets of a 20-40% reduction in fuel burn and related emissions.

VForce® renewable energy technology will be a significant contributor in meeting those targets.

The flap/slat mechanism can also be retrofitted to existing commercial aircraft including light aircraft.


If you have any questions, please contact us to learn more.

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